Thursday, May 27, 2010

time flies,,

It’s almost June,,,
Time flies so fast, eh,,??
So many hellos,, so many goodbyes,, so many changes,,
All of them happened in a short time,,
When I look back,,
I can see lots of memories behind,,
Lots of laughter,,
Lots of tears,,
Lots of fears,,
Lots of disappointments,,
Lots of relieves,,
Those are moments for us to treasure, eh,,??
And to learn as well,,
I’ve been thinking how many things have changed in my life,,
People came,, people left,, some of them stays,,
Well,, as someone has said,, remember the past but don’t live in it,,
I believe it’s true,,
Whatever is left behind,, let it be,,
Let it be a memory for you to treasure,,,:)

I’ve quit my job as a playgroup teacher for quite a while,,
And somehow I miss teaching,, and playing with my kids,,
Miss them so bad,, :'(
I still remember my last day there,,,
It was so sudden,,
Never thought it was my last day there,,
Everything just happened,,,
And I decided to say goodbye,,
Gosh, I miss all of them,, (I mean ALL,, from those 3 places I’ve ever taught before,,)
Miss you all!! *hugs hugs hugs and kisses kisses kisses*



i miss you all,,, :o

Osvaldo (dodo) - Vittoria (vitto) - Kathleen Virgo (vigo) - Cherry

Delvyn - Kathleen Virgo




I miss high school too,,,
I can’t believe how fast time passed,,,
Next year it’s my graduation,,
Can you imagine,,, hais,,
I’m excited and confused at the same time,, haha,,

I miss all my girls,,,
It’s been quite a while since we met each other,,
One of them is busy with her college,,,
Three of them are abroad,,,
And I’m so glad that this 31st May,,
One of my girls is coming back to Medan,,,
I miss her so much,,,
We seldom contact each other,,,
But when we met,,,
We’re still as close as before,,
Now that’s what I called friendship,,,
You don’t have to communicate 24 hours each day..
But you remember each other in your heart, they stay there all the time,,, :)
Can’t wait to see her soon,,, *hugs and kisses*

Wenti - Devina

Stacia - Elen

Ah, one more thing,,,
Have you ever felt something strange,,, like,,, you guys get to meet each other often,,
But somehow you still miss them,,,
It’s like something’s missing, something's strange,, something's different,,,?? But you don’t know exactly what it is,,,,!! *confused*
Hmm,, strange, isn’t it,,?

Well,, I better off to bed soon,,,
I’m blabbering too much tonight,,=.=
I just want to share how much I miss all those moments,,, :o
Bye, guys,,,


Saturday, May 22, 2010

what is love?

holla guys,,,
seems like my blog is so dead, eh??
well, let's skip that,,
tonight i'm going to share you guys bout this movie "The Notebook",, :)
someone warned me to prepare lots of tissues before i watch this movie,,
wohoo,, this movie surely made me cry like a baby,,,
after i finished watching this movie,,
my eyes were swollen like being punched and tissues are everywhere to be found,, haha,,
i've watched it twice within 3days, by the way,,,
and tell you what,,, this movie is totally great,,,
it taught me lots of lessons,,,
you guys should really watch this movie,,, :D
Here's a tagline from this movie : Behind every great love is a great story,,, :) :)