Sunday, August 29, 2010


Longer than there've been fishes
In the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars
Up in the heavens
I've been in love with you.

Stronger than any mountain cathedral
Truer than any tree ever grew
Deeper than any forest primeval
I am in love with you.

I'll bring fires in the winters
You'll send showers in the springs
We'll fly through the falls and summers
With love on our wings.

Through the years as the fire
Starts to mellow
Burning lines in the book of our lives
Though the binding cracks and the
Pages start to yellow
I'll be in love with you.

Longer than there've been fishes
In the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars
Up in the heavens
I've been in love with you
I am in love with you...

Notes : This is a simple romantic song with simple melodies,, i love how this song makes me feel so comfortable, calm, and i can feel the love shown in this song,, haa, i wish one day someone could sing this simple song to me,, ❤ *high-imagination* haha,, :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Visit

I am so glad.
My old friend and her baby and her mom visited me at the shop this afternoon.
I've been missing her for like, forever,,
and her baby is just so adorable, i even convinced her to give her baby to me,,,
i want a baby to myself!! *haha*
anyway we had a lot talking today,,
and still, it's not enough yet,,
wish to see her soon again,,
and her baby! >.<"

we did took some pictures, but too bad i can't share it now because she hasn't copied em to me,,
i'll share it here once i got it.. :D :D

Friday, August 27, 2010


What crossed your mind when you heard the word 'expectation'?
Well, for sure it's something that mostly people have in their mind.
An expectation in anything,,
It might be life, friends, family, love, work, school, blahblahblah,,
Well,, I'm gonna share you guys sth bout expectation for I have no one to talk to bout this, and I'm sure writing em here will surely make me feel relieved even a bit,,

Someone once told me, 'don't be afraid to have high expectation in something'
I was convinced back then, that there's nothing wrong in having a positive mind in everything and try to expect more in anything, that way, it could improve myself.
But lately I've been thinking,,
Is it okay to think positive and expect more most of the time?
'Cause sometimes things in life ain't that simple,,
but still,, most part of me said that it's important to being able to think positive, it's sth that motivate us in doing things,,,
expecting more?
in my opinion, it's okay if we expect sth more but NEVER forget who you REALLY are in the first place, sth ppl make too much effort when in the end they lose the idea of who they really are, or,, were..?
you can expect more,, in a positive way,expect sth and make that sth as a motivation in your life in improving yourself, not in a greedy way,which will blind us and make us even more selfish than we already are now.
and be grateful for everything in your life, whether it's good ones, which bring you happiness, or the bad ones, which give you experience and a clear picture of what this life really is. :)

but somehow, things aren't gonna happen like the way you want them to happen in this life.
you can't always get what you want.
when you expected sth but it doesn't happen,,,
when you believe and trust in sth but in the end you found out that you've been trusting the wrong ideas.
hmmm.. sometimes these things rage in my mind,,
which one is the best way? think positive or not? expect more or not?
in the end, i haven't found the answer,,
so far, the best answer i can tell you guys is, be wise, knows when to think positive or expecting sth, be wise and never lose yourself.

Do you know when you decided to open your heart to someone, no matter it's your bestfriends, families, or it is to someone you care about, you're starting to look like a fool in a good way cause you just love it? Love the way you feel when you're around them? Because I do love the way I feel when I'm around them, when I'm comfortable, be the way I am around them.
And through that all, something invisible came,, expectation..
You know they're good alr the way they are, but sometimes you just have this sth called expectation in them, you expect them to feel the way you do, you expect them to treat you the way you treat them, when we already know from the beginning that they've given those things to you, but human is a human, never get enough of what they alr had now, and tends to expect more, some may come in a good way, some may, whatever comes, be grateful for it,,,
things happen for a reason,, :)
And for me? I'm done expecting too much in anything..
things ain't happen the way i always expect them to be.
maybe by seeing carefully and be wise in expecting thing will make me less disappointed in the end, 'cause the more I expect sth, the more disappointed I am in the end,,

I know I'm not a perfect person, and I can't give and be anything ppl want me to be.
But this is who I am. This is how I want to live my life.
And I don't want anybody telling me, judging, or command me about what to do and don't about my life, about who i am.
i'll just let everything goes with the flow now, whatever will be, will be.

Notes: Dear someone, this may sound awkward, maybe we've met so many times and have been spending a lot of times together, but don't know why,, still, I miss you,, there I said it. I've been such a coward to admit and say anything before, but,, hey, there I said it, even I didn't have the courage to say it directly to you.haha. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Karena Ku Sanggup

Biarlah ku sentuhmu
Berikanku rasa itu
Pelukmu yang dulu
Pernah buatku

Ku tak bisa paksamu
‘tuk tinggal disisiku
Walau kau yang selalu sakiti
Aku dengan perbuatanmu
Namun sudah kau pergilah
Jangan kau sesali

Karena ku sanggup walau ku tak mau
Berdiri sendiri tanpamu
Ku mau kau tak usah ragu
Tinggalkan aku
Huuu.. kalau memang harus begitu

Tak yakin ku kan mampu
Hapus rasa sakitku
Ku ‘kan selalu perjuangkan cinta kita
Namun apa salahku
Hingga ku tak layak dapatkan kesungguhanmu

Back to Reff:

baby now that you're gone
now leave me alone
broken heart
tear me apart
i don't need your mercy
i ain't your lady
this melody
did you hear it?
let's shout it again
take me back to refrain

Back to Reff :

Tak perlu kau buatku mengerti
Tersenyumlah karena ku sanggup

Notes :
This song totally bring goosebumps to me the moment i heard it. :)
and what makes me even more amazed, this song's created by Agnes herself, and Andi Rianto!! :D
FYI, this song is from a true story by Agnes herself..
It's a story 'bout a girl who would give 100% of her to a man she loves, but unfortunately, the man didn't seem to appreciate that, and therefore, this girl told him that if he wanted to leave her, then leave.. she'll be okay.. :'(
This song is way too cool! Uber love this song,, ;)