Saturday, April 2, 2011

Loving You Tonight

Lost in the day, in a way, it's same as the one before this,
And I wish I can say that's it's all black and white
But it's grey, it's the same, it's the same and I'm so tired
But you are what I'm coming home to

Oh and I'm thinking about a red wine buzz and taking it easy, and I got you in my arms, taking a break from crazy

And I'll say hey, you'll say baby, how's your day, I'll say crazy, but it's all gonna be alright
You'll kiss my smile, I'll pull you closer, spend a while just getting to know ya, but it's gonna be all alright
I'm loving you tonight
Loving you tonight

And you are there on my heart, at the start, of my every morning and I,
Can't deny, by the end of the day that I'm running on empty but
You make me full, steal my breath, you're so unpredictable
That's what I'm coming home to

Oh I'm dreaming about a romance, slow dancing with you, when I got you in arms, I don't care what we do

Cause every day is just the in-between, the hours separating you from me
I know you'll be waiting, I know that you'll be waiting

And I'll say hey, you'll say baby, how's your day, I'll say crazy, but it's all gonna be alright
You'll kiss my smile, I'll pull you closer, spend a while just getting to know ya, but it's gonna be all alright
I'm loving you tonight
Loving you tonight
Loving you tonight, loving you tonight.

Note : well, I heard this song when someone played it in the car and the moment I heard it, I just fell in love with this song.. teehee.. and FYI, this song always remind me of that moment inside the car which I enjoyed so much.. Thank you for playing this song and thank you for the enjoyable moment I had! =) =)

A New Beginning

Hello, fellas..
It's been a while, eh..??
and anw, it's April now! *wow*
it's been around 3 months since the last post,, haha,,
well, been too busy with singing stuffs and FINAL YEAR PROJECT!!
ah, finally I'm registered for second convene,,
but I still have to add and improve few more things in my project tho..
it's not a totally freedom YET.... teehee..

First of all, I'd like to tell you guys highlights of these few months of my absence here.. hohoho...
I've spent a lot fun moments with my friends! and it feels good! teehee.. =D
I got to know some new friends.. hohoho.. i love this part.. =)
since I'm feeling very comfortable spending times together with few of those new friends...hehe..
and I also got the chance to spill every thoughts I've had with my friends...
Geez, I really love it!

It's like I've been given a new chance.
To experience what I've never experienced before..
to get to know people more.. hehe..
and it's like I'm turning a new leaf..
no more sorrow or pain..
I've left it all behind..
Whatever happened in the past.
well, I'll just keep and remember the good memories..
and let go of all the pain I've felt..
Dear friends and family, thankyou so much for giving me the strength to pass through all obstacles I've had..
Thankyou for leading me to a new leaf...
to a new beginning...

Dear God, I won't ask for much, I just wish things'll get better in my life..In those lives of people I love, toooo...
I wish I could find much much more happiness!! I wish I could share the joy You've been giving me.. =)
Please help me be a better person. I am trying.. I really am.. =)

And last but not least.. Thank You God for this new chance, this new beginning.. =)
AMEN! =)