Monday, March 29, 2010

Love being alone,,

what a tiring day,,
had an assignment discussion with my friends at bucks this afternoon,,
i arrived there earlier,,
i did it on purpose anyways,,hehe,,
i had my fave choco croissant and caramel java chip as usual,,
and i enjoyed that moment very much,,
it's only me,,
sat down,,
and try to relax my mind,,,
surprisingly it was fun,,
planning to do it again next time,, haha,, *winkwink*

well, i have to thank my friend for helping me with my assignment,,,
you're really our savior,,,,!! :D

but it's just the lecturer,,,
he didnt even pay attention when we were presenting our project back then,,
he is sure annoying,,, =.="

well, we finished our class around 6sth,,
and i headed for dinner with my friends,,, :)

had this stupid headache the whole day,,
and there're spots on my feet, my hands, my neck,, and it itch a lot!
damn this stupid allergic,,,
and this allergic made me hard to breathe,,,


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