Tuesday, July 20, 2010

welcome home

it's been quite a long time, eh,,,
geez,, as what i've mentioned in my previous entry, time flies so fast,,,
see, it's almost the end July now,,
and in two weeks, i'll have to face what-so-called FINAL EXAM,, *jrengjreng*
that's scary,,
i'm too lazy to memorize!! >.<

well,, so far,, things have been way complicated,,,
but,,, i don't want to think too much, tho,,
it'll just make things more complicated than it already has,, haha,,

ah,,, finally,,
tomorrow's the last day of school,,
but i have to present the program and the documentation which i haven't touched at all,,,
ugh,, hopefully i can finish it on time,, 'cause tomorrow one of my girls will be back here in Medan!!
Welcome home, babe,,,
it's been so long since we've met,,
the last time i saw her was like 3years ago,,,
can't wait to meet her soon,, :D

well,,, i don't know what else should i share you guys now,,
so,, ttyl,, :D


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