Sunday, October 17, 2010


it's been a while..
can't believe how time flies so fast..
it's October now..

atm, I'm sitting alone..
truth be told I don't even know what I'm gonna type. =.="
It's just,,
I kinda really need a place to talk, need someone to talk to, which I don't,,
so I ended typing these stuffs.. haahaa..

well, talking bout time,,
as I've always said,, time flies so fast,,
recently,, those memories keep coming back,,
all those beautiful, happy, thrilling, touching, sad, heartbreaking memories..
it made me smile and cry at the same time, tho..
I miss those moments,,
but I'd like to make sure one thing,,
no matter how much I want to go back,,
I never regret any of it..
I'm thankful it happened,,
even nobody wants it to end that way,,
but still,,
life goes on, right?
what's the point of looking back at stuffs you can't fix anymore,,?
you just have to stay strong, look ahead,, it doesn't mean you throw away all those memories, tho,,
it's just,, we can't live in the past forever,,
as usual, it's easier said than done,,
it was hard for me too at first,,
but somehow I managed to get through it.. thank God,, =)
and I know the road ahead might not be easy,,
I'm just hoping I'll be strong enough to face it,,

*knock on something wood 3times*

P.S: that knockknock thingy,, I learned it from someone,, it's something we always did (hmm,, do?),,and somehow it's been my habit since then,, well, I wonder if you still remember,,? =)


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