Friday, February 19, 2010

A simple date,,

last night i had so much fun,,,,,
i went out for dinner with one of my long-lost friend,,,
actually we were really close back then...
shared a lot of stories,,,,
and i dont even remember why we drifted apart,,,err,,,not apart exactly,,,like,,,
lately i find myslef talking and chat with her again,,,
shared a lot of stories like we used to back then,,,
i realize how much i miss her,,,
and its been so long we havent met each other face to face,,,
even we're in the same college recently,,
and last night,,,
i asked her out,,,
sounds so lesbian,,,
but we're not!! it'sd just i've been missing her,,,
then we went for dinner at ubud,,,
talked for i dont know how long,,,,
sat there and shared a lot of stories and that was so much fun!!!!
i love my date with her last night,,hahaha,,,
i hope she had a l0t of fun like i did too,,,
it feels like...
it's been so longgggg....
and im glad that i can share a lot of stories with her,,,
feel relieved,,,
she's a good listener,,,
i hope i can be one for her too,,, :)
after that dinner,,,
we went home,,,
i saw her onlining and i told her that i had so much fun,,
and she said that she did too!! :D
then i had a chat with other friends,,,
both of em made me laugh out loud!!
one of em even shared me a song,,,
and that song is sooooo,,,,,
nice! i love it,,,
and we even found nicknames,,,
inspired from musical instruments,,,
for me,,him,, and two of my besties as well,,,
i really laughed a lot last night,,,
hopefully i can laugh more and more often in the future,,
and i had a good sleep too last night,,or should i say,,,,this early morning??hahhahaa,,,,

and now here i am,,
sitting down doing my assignment,,,
and updating my blog,,,
holiday's overrr,,,,
i need more!! hahaha,,,
will update soon, bloggie,,, :D

Thursday, February 18, 2010


there are so many things happened,,,
my new shopkeeper,,,lost nowhere,,,
no news at all,,
and when we checked our stuffs,,
some of em are missing,,,
such a thief,,,huh!!

and i did talked,,,chat,,,with someone new,,,
she's a very friendly person,,,
she's so funny as well,,,
it's great to know someone new,,,
to make new friends,,, :)

its so hot right here,,,,
its blackout,,
no air conditioner and no fan at all,,
can u imagine how hot is that,,???urghhh,,,,
and im starving rite now,,!! help!! =.='

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chinese New Year,,

today is the second day of CNY,,,
yesterday was the first day and also Valentine's Day,,,
i was so happy yesterday, i can spend the whole day with my family members and relatives,,,,
even somehow i thought about sth,,,hehehe,,
but im glad that i never regret everything happened in the past,,
there must be sth good from all of those experiences and stories,,,
i tried my best to be a better person,,,err,,,not "tried",,,im trying anyway,,,
try to be a positive-thinking person,,,
it feels good though,,,

today, me and my family went to shop some groceries,,,
then we headed to temple,,,
talked and chit chat there,,,
in which,,,reminds me to sth funny that happened there,,,,

after that we decided to go to my mommy's relative's house,,,
spent some time talking,,,
and collect some red pockets,,,(hihi)
after that we went to Cambridge,,,
to had our dinner,,,
at Jing,,
nice one,,,
we also took picture with the Barongsai,,,,
met some of my friends,,,
that was so much fun!!!
well,that's all for today,,hehehe,,,