Friday, February 19, 2010

A simple date,,

last night i had so much fun,,,,,
i went out for dinner with one of my long-lost friend,,,
actually we were really close back then...
shared a lot of stories,,,,
and i dont even remember why we drifted apart,,,err,,,not apart exactly,,,like,,,
lately i find myslef talking and chat with her again,,,
shared a lot of stories like we used to back then,,,
i realize how much i miss her,,,
and its been so long we havent met each other face to face,,,
even we're in the same college recently,,
and last night,,,
i asked her out,,,
sounds so lesbian,,,
but we're not!! it'sd just i've been missing her,,,
then we went for dinner at ubud,,,
talked for i dont know how long,,,,
sat there and shared a lot of stories and that was so much fun!!!!
i love my date with her last night,,hahaha,,,
i hope she had a l0t of fun like i did too,,,
it feels like...
it's been so longgggg....
and im glad that i can share a lot of stories with her,,,
feel relieved,,,
she's a good listener,,,
i hope i can be one for her too,,, :)
after that dinner,,,
we went home,,,
i saw her onlining and i told her that i had so much fun,,
and she said that she did too!! :D
then i had a chat with other friends,,,
both of em made me laugh out loud!!
one of em even shared me a song,,,
and that song is sooooo,,,,,
nice! i love it,,,
and we even found nicknames,,,
inspired from musical instruments,,,
for me,,him,, and two of my besties as well,,,
i really laughed a lot last night,,,
hopefully i can laugh more and more often in the future,,
and i had a good sleep too last night,,or should i say,,,,this early morning??hahhahaa,,,,

and now here i am,,
sitting down doing my assignment,,,
and updating my blog,,,
holiday's overrr,,,,
i need more!! hahaha,,,
will update soon, bloggie,,, :D


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