Monday, February 15, 2010

Chinese New Year,,

today is the second day of CNY,,,
yesterday was the first day and also Valentine's Day,,,
i was so happy yesterday, i can spend the whole day with my family members and relatives,,,,
even somehow i thought about sth,,,hehehe,,
but im glad that i never regret everything happened in the past,,
there must be sth good from all of those experiences and stories,,,
i tried my best to be a better person,,,err,,,not "tried",,,im trying anyway,,,
try to be a positive-thinking person,,,
it feels good though,,,

today, me and my family went to shop some groceries,,,
then we headed to temple,,,
talked and chit chat there,,,
in which,,,reminds me to sth funny that happened there,,,,

after that we decided to go to my mommy's relative's house,,,
spent some time talking,,,
and collect some red pockets,,,(hihi)
after that we went to Cambridge,,,
to had our dinner,,,
at Jing,,
nice one,,,
we also took picture with the Barongsai,,,,
met some of my friends,,,
that was so much fun!!!
well,that's all for today,,hehehe,,,


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